Trichoptera of Gunnison County, ColoradoIntroductionto the caddis family Apataniidae Smoky Wing Sedges, Early Smoky Wing Sedges Wallengren, 1886
Updated 23 Dec 2022
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Chen,YE 1992 The larva and pupae of Apatania praevolans Morse (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae), with a key to described larvae of North American species of Apatania. Aquatic Insects 14 (1) 49-55.
Corbet,PS 1966 Parthenogenesis in caddisflies (Trichoptera). Canadian Journal of Zoology 44, 981-982.
Herrmann,SJ; Ruiter,DE and Unzicker,JD 1986 Distribution and records of Colorado Trichoptera. Southwestern Naturalist 31(4), 421-457.
Holzenthal,RW; Blahnik,RJ; Prather,AL and Kjer,KM 2007 Order Trichoptera Kirby, 1813 (Insecta), Caddisflies. PDF
"Apataniidae: This is a northern and montane group found in North America, Europe, and Asia. The family names dates to Wallengren (1886), but for most of its history it was included as a subfamily of Limnephilidae. Wiggins (1996) treated the group as a distinct family and subsequent workers have accepted this designation. There are nearly 200 species in 18 genera, divided into 2 subfamilies. The Apataniinae contains the largest genus, Apatania Kolenati (nearly 100 species, Holarctic), as well as Apataniana Mosely (Palearctic, Oriental), Apatidelia Mosely (China), 4 monotypic genera: Talgara Mey (Kazakhstan), Radema Martynov (Russia), Thamastes Hagen (Siberia), Proradema Mey (Siberia), and 5 small genera endemic to Lake Baikal: Baicalina Martynov (5 species), Protobaicalina Ivanov (4 species), Protoradema Ivanov (2 species), Baicalinella Martynov (monotypic), and Baicaloides Martynov (monotypic). The subfamily Moropsychinae contains the genera Moropsyche Banks (30 species, East Palearctic and Oriental), and Notania Mosely (5 species, Oriental). Four genera, Allomyia Banks (Nearctic and eastern Palearctic, 23 species), Manophylax Wiggins (Nearctic and eastern Palearctic, 6 species), Moselyana Denning (Oregon, monotypic), and Pedomoecus Ross (Pacific northwest of North America, monotypic), form a monophyletic group (Gall 1994) separate from either subfamily. Apataniid larvae construct cases of small rock pieces, although Manophylax larvae also add plant pieces to the upper surface (Wiggins 2004). Corbet (1966) documented parthenogenesis in some species of Apatania. Larvae occur in cool running waters, but at high elevations and extreme northern latitudes, some species of Apatania are found in lakes. Most larvae graze periphyton from rocks with scraper mandibles. Some species also occur in hygropetric habitats, some of which are dry for much of the year. The larvae of Moselyana are found in spring seepages, and are detritivores with toothed mandibles."
McLachlan,R 1866 Note respecting a species of Apatania. The Entomologist's monthly magazine (3)113.
Quote from page 113: "Note respecting a species of Apatania.-In my "Trichoptera Britannica" pp. 74, 75, I mention a species of Apatania taken at the little lake in Arundel Park, which I considered to be probably distinct from A. vestita, but of which I had only seen females. I have now visited the locality four times-thrice in August, once in June-and have taken probably near one hundred specimens; still all are females, most of them full of ova, which they deposit freely. The occurrence of this sex only is to me inexplicable; and one is almost led to suspect that this species may be able to dispense, partially or entirely, with the companionship of males,-as is known to be the case in some few species of other Orders, and, as there is strong reason to believe, prevails also in many more (e.g., several species of Tenthredinidai). I still adhere to the opinion that it is distinct from A. vestita, and name it provisionally A. muliebris.
The occurrence of an Apatania at Arundel is additionally interesting, because that genus is alpine or sub-alpine in its habits; it may be remarked, however, that the little lake springs out of the chalk, and the water of it is very cold.
A slight correction is necessary with respect to A. vestita. Kolenati takes the name from Zetterstedt, whose species, though probably of this genus, is yet unsatisfactorily determined. That my vestita is the same as Kolenati's I have no doubt for, contrary to his usual custom, in his generic description he describes the appendices of A. vestita, and these agree precisely with the British species. R. McLachlan, Forest Hill."
Peckarsky,Barbara L; Dodson,Stanley I; Conklin,Don J (1985): A key to the aquatic insects of streams in the vicinity of the Rocky Mountain Biological Lab, including chironomid larvae from streams and ponds. Colorado Division of Wildlife, Denver CO. 47 pages.
Ruiter,DE and Nishimoto,H 2019 New species of Allomyia Banks from the Western United States (Trichoptera: Apataniidae). Zoosymposia, 14(1), pp.273-288. PDF
Abstract: "Six new Allomyia species from the western United States are described: Allomyia kondratieffi sp. nov., Allomyia leei sp. nov., Allomyia meachamensis sp. nov., Allomyia sarahae sp. nov., Allomyia sheldoni sp. nov., Allomyia whatcomensis sp. nov. The majority of these species were collected from small headwater, high altitude streams on relatively isolated mountain ranges. These species bring the number of known North American Allomyia to 18. Additional notes on state/county distribution records, taxonomic problems, species diagnostics and adult emergence periods for the 18 North American species are provided."
Schmid,F 1953 Contribution à l'étude de la sous-famille des Apataniinae (Trichoptera, Limnophilidae). I. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 96 (1-2): 109-167.
Discusses the adults of Apatania.
Schmid,F 1954 Contribution à l'étude de la sous-famille des Apataniinae (Trichoptera, Limnophilidae). II. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 97 (1-2): 1-74.
Wallengren, H.D.J. 1886 Skandinaviens arter af Trichoptera-familjen Apataniidae. Entomologisk tidskrift, 73-80. PDF
Wiggins, GB 1996 Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera (Trichoptera). 2nd Edition. University of Toronto Press, 457 pages.