Wendy S. Brown

Publications with scientific fieldwork acknowledgments

Updated 2 October 2024

Since I am wonderfully and errantly spending my youth and middle age working outside on a pleasing variety of field and lab projects at the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory and other field sites in the Rocky Mountains, I have many more acknowledgments than publications! Thanks to everyone for asking me to be a part of your crew and thanking me publicly for it! :-)

Since my family will ask, I'll explain an acknowledgment for those who don't know. Most scientific journals allow the authors of a paper to include a list of people who contributed time or thought to the research project yet were less involved than the primary authors. Most of my acknowledgments are for research assistant or technician duties such as field sampling before or after the primary authors arrived in Gothic. Some experiments needed planning or training, then lots of people to work long hours at the beginning of an experiment and several long days at the end. Many sites have sensors and dataloggers that need attention at certain intervals or removal before winter. Follow up lab work, shipping samples overnight, the necessary and tedious sample preparation and processing or even more elaborate procedures with a variety of instruments are all part of inquiries into the workings of the natural world. Carrying equipment out of the backcountry and cleaning up at the end of a project is an important task too. Communication with researchers about the data we've collected and sending photos is another favorite part of my work. The results are worth it, see all the publications below :-) While fieldwork is the best part, I enjoy a variety of scientific endeavors :-) Look below the photo for a list of papers.

Small mossy-banked stream in a willow carr near Copper Creek

Allan,JD and Feifarek,BP 1989 Distances travelled by drifting mayfly nymphs: factors influencing return to the substrate. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 8 (4) 322-330. PDF

Alp,M; Peckarsky,BL; Bernasconi,SM; and Robinson,CT 2013 Shifts in isotopic signatures of animals with complex life-cycles can complicate conclusions on cross-boundary trophic links. Aquatic sciences, 75(4) 595-606. PDF

Àlvarez,M; Landeira-Dabarca,A and Peckarsky,B 2014 Origin and specificity of predatory fish cues detected by Baetis larvae (Ephemeroptera; Insecta). Animal Behaviour, 96, pp.141-149. PDF

Àlvarez,M and Peckarsky,BL 2005 How do grazers affect periphyton heterogeneity in streams? Oecologia 142: 576-587. PDF

Àlvarez,M and Peckarsky,BL 2013 The influence of moss on grazers in high-altitude streams: food, refuge or both? Freshwater Biology, 58(9) 1982-1994 PDF

Àlvarez,M and Peckarsky,BL 2014 Cascading effects of predatory fish on the composition of benthic algae in high-altitude streams. Oikos, 123(1)120-128. PDF

Bahls,LL 2014 New diatoms from the American West - A tribute to citizen science. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 163: 61-84. PDF

Bohonak,A and Whiteman,H 1999 Dispersal of the fairy shrimp Branchinecta coloradensis (Anostraca): Effects of hydroperiod and salamanders. Limnology and Oceanography 44 (3), 487-493. PDF

Cromwell,KJ 2018 Host-Parasite Ecology of Baetis Bicaudatus Mayflies and Gasteromermis sp. Nematodes in High-Altitude Streams. The University of Wisconsin-Madison. PDF

Darrow,K 2006 Wild about Wildflowers: Extreme Botanizing in Crested Butte, Wildflower Capital of Colorado. WildKat Publishing Company. 224 pages.

DuBois,R 2010 Dragonflies and Damselflies of the Rocky Mountains. Kollath-Stensaas Publishing. 312 pages.

Dunne JA, Harte J, Taylor KJ, 2003. Subalpine meadow flowering phenology responses to climate change: integrating experimental and gradient methods. Ecological Monographs. Vol. 73 No. 1:69-86. Abstract PDF

Encalada,AC and Peckarsky,BL 2006 Selective oviposition of the mayfly Baetis bicaudatus. Oecologia, 526-537. PDF

Encalada,AC and Peckarsky,BL 2007 A comparative study of the cost of alternative mayfly oviposition behaviors. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 61:1437-1448. PDF

Encalada,AC and Peckarsky,BL 2011 The influence of recruitment on within-generation population dynamics of a mayfly. Ecosphere 2(10):107.doi:10.1890/ES11-00103.1. PDF

Encalada,AC and Peckarsky,BL 2011 Large-scale manipulation of mayfly recruitment affects population size. Oecologia. DOI 10.1007/s00442-0112147-1. PDF

Feldhousen,S 1995 An investigation of the effects of pH, aluminum precipitate, and periphyton densities on benthic invertebrate populations in Paradise Basin, Colorado. Senior Thesis, Department of Biology and Environmental Science, Allegheny College, Meadville, PA.

Flecker,AS 1992 Fish predation and the evolution of invertebrate drift periodicity: evidence from Neotropical streams. Ecology 73:438-448. PDF

Fuller,MR and Peckarsky,BL 2011 Ecosystem engineering by beavers affects mayfly life histories. Freshwater Biology (56) 959-979.PDF

Fuller,MR and Peckarsky,BL 2011 Does the morphology of beaver ponds alter downstream ecosystems? Hydrobiology 668 (1)35-48. PDF

Kerins,D; Sadayappan,K; Zhi,W; Sullivan,PL; Williams,KH; Carroll,RW; Barnard,HR; Sprenger,M; Dong,W; Perdrial,J and Li,L 2024 Hydrology outweighs temperature in driving production and export of dissolved carbon in a snowy mountain catchment. Water Resources Research, 60(7), p.e2023WR036077. PDF

Klemmer,AJ; Wissinger,SA; Greig,HS and Ostrofsky,ML 2012 Nonlinear effects of consumer density on multiple ecosystem processes. Journal of Animal Ecology, 81(4), pp.770-780. PDF

Koch,BJ; Hall Jr,RO and Peckarsky,BL 2020 Nonconsumptive effects of Brook Trout predators reduce secondary production of mayfly prey. Freshwater Science, 39(3), pp.549-558.

Kueppers,LM and Harte,J 2005 Subalpine forest carbon cycling: Short- and long-term influences of climate and species. Ecological Applications 15(6): 1984-1999. PDF

Harper,MP and Peckarsky,BL 2006 Emergence cues of a mayfly in a high-altitude stream ecosystem: potential response to climate change. Ecological Applications 16 (2) 612-621. PDF

Moslemi,JM 2010 Ecological stoichiometry of consumer-resource interactions in lotic food webs. PhD Thesis Cornell University. 146 pages. PDF

Peckarsky,BL; Allan,DJ and McIntosh,AR 2010 Understanding the role of predation in open systems. The Ecology of Place. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, pp.185-206. PDF

Peckarsky,BL, Encalada,AC and McIntosh, AR 2011 Why do vulnerable mayflies thrive in trout streams? American Entomologist 57(3)152-164. PDF

Peckarsky,BL; Hughes,JM; Mather,PB; Hillyer,M; Encalada,AC 2005 Are populations of mayflies living in adjacent fish and fishless streams genetically differentiated? Freshwater Biology 50(1), 42-51. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2427.2004.01292.x Abstract

Peckarsky,BL; Kerans,B; Taylor,BW and McIntosh,AR 2008 Predator effects on prey population dynamics in open systems. Oecologia 156 (2)431-440. PDF

Peckarsky,BL; McIntosh,AR; Àlvarez,M and Moslemi,JM 2013 Nutrient limitation controls the strength of behavioral trophic cascades in high elevation streams. Ecosphere, 4(9)1-17. PDF

Peckarsky,BL; McIntosh,AR; Àlvarez,M and Moslemi,JM 2015 Disturbance legacies and nutrient limitation influence interactions between grazers and algae in high elevation streams. Ecosphere, 6(11)1-15. PDF

Peckarsky,BL; Taylor,BW; Caudill,CC 2000 Hydrologic and behavioral constraints on oviposition of stream insects: implications for adult dispersal. Oecologia 125, 186-200. PDF

Peckarsky,BL; Taylor,BW; McIntosh,AR; McPeek,MA; Lytle,DA 2001 Variation in mayfly size at metamorphosis as a developmental response to risk of predation. Ecology 82, 740-757. Abstract PDF

Price,MV; Waser,NM 1998 Effects of experimental warming on plant reproductive phenology in a subalpine meadow. Ecology 79 4, 1261-1271. Abstract PDF

Price,MV and Waser,NM 2000 Responses of subalpine meadow vegetation to four years of experimental warming. Ecological Applications 10, 811-823. Abstract

Raguso,RA and Roy,BA 1998 "Floral" scent production by Puccinia rust fungi that mimic flowers. Molecular Ecology 7 (9) 1127-1136. PDF

Rouse,GL 1994 The effect of pH and other pollutants on benthic invertebrates in a pristine alpine watershed in central Colorado. Senior Thesis, Department of Environomental Science, Allegheny College, Meadville, PA 30 pages

Roy,BA 1996 A plant pathogen influences pollinator behavior and may influence reproduction of non-hosts. Ecology 77 (8) 2445-2457. PDF

Sorensen,PO; Beller,HR; Bill,M; Bouskill,NJ; Hubbard,SS; Karaoz,U; Polussa,A; Steltzer,H; Wang,S; Williams,KH and Wu,Y 2020 The snowmelt niche differentiates three microbial life strategies that influence soil nitrogen availability during and after winter. Frontiers in Microbiology, (11) 871 PDF

Sparks,GB 1993 Competition and intraguild predation between two species of caddisfly larvae (Trichoptera) in permanent and semipermanent high elevation ponds. Senior Thesis, Department of Environmental Science, Allegheny College Meadville, Pennsylvania.

Steltzer,H 1993 Cannibalism within a species of caddisfly larvae (Asynarchus nigriculus) in a semi-permanent high altitude pond. Research Experience for Undergraduates Paper, The Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory. Gothic, Colorado.

Whiteman,HH 1997 Maintenance of polymorphism promoted by sex-specific fitness payoffs. Evolution 51 (6) 2039-2044. Abstract

Whiteman,HH; Gutrich,JJ; Moorman,RS 1999 Courtship behavior in a polymorphic population of the tiger salamander, Ambystoma tigrinum nebulosum. Journal of Herpetology 33 2, 348-351.

Whiteman,HH and Wissinger,SA 2005. Amphibian population cycles and long-term data sets, p.177-184 IN: Lannoo,MJ (ed.) Conservation and Status of North American Amphibians. University of California Press. pgs 177-184. PDF

Whiteman,HH; Wissinger,SA; Bohonak,AJ 1994 Seasonal movement in a subalpine population of the tiger salamander Ambystoma tigrinum nebulosum. Canadian Journal of Zoology 72, 1780-1787. PDF

Whiteman, H; Wissinger, S; Denoël, M; Mecklin, C; Gerlanc,N, Gutrich,J 2012 Larval growth in polyphenic salamanders: making the best of a bad lot. Oecologia 168(1)109-118. Abstract PDF

Wilcox,AC; Peckarsky,BL; Taylor,BW and Encalada,AC 2008 Hydraulic and geomorphic effects on mayfly drift in high-gradient streams at moderate discharges. Ecohydrology 1:176-186. PDF

Winnick,MJ; Carroll,RW; Williams,KH; Maxwell,RM; Dong,W; and Maher,K 2017 Snowmelt controls on concentration-discharge relationships and the balance of oxidative and acid-base weathering fluxes in an alpine catchment, East River, Colorado. Water Resources Research 53(3) 2507-2523. PDF

Wissinger,SA; Eldermire,C and Whissel,JC 2004. The role of larval cases in reducing aggression and cannibalism among caddisflies in temporary wetlands. Wetlands 24(4): 777-783. PDF

"Think where man's glory most begins and ends.
And say my glory was I had such friends."
-- William Butler Yeats

Miserable bee wet with dew on a stonecrop flower